About Profiber

What Is Profiber?

Profiber is a functional food. Functional food or medicinal food is any healthy food which has a health-promoting or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients. Profiber is made from the husk of Trigonella foenum-graecum (fenugreek) and has been de-bitterised. In the process of de-bitterising, proteins, lipids have been removed. It contains major amount of soluble and insoluble fiber and negligible starch. No chemicals have been added to this Functional fibre. The process of extraction is unique and is cost effective.

Why Profiber?

Significant reduction of blood glucose levels and control of diabetes. Diabetes reduction by 40% or more.
• Smooth absorption of glucose into the blood as against sharp oscillations in absorption.
• Reduces bad cholesterol and total cholesterol.
• Reduction of triglycerides.
• Aids in weight management.
• Higher activity levels for longer duration despite reduced food intake.
• Hunger management and satiety enhancement.


The suggested dosage is 4-5 grams / per time. The functional food should be taken three times Viz. before every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Total amount of Profiber to be taken is around 12-15 gm per day split into three doses of 4-5 grams per dose. One spoonful (spoon provided) is around 5 grams.
• It is important that the Profiber is taken just before food intake. In case you forget to take, you may do so during your food intake.
• It’s better to start with small quantity and increase gradually as the body gets adjusted to fibre Advised dosage: 1 spoon divided into 3parts for 1st 3 days 2 spoons divided into 3 parts for 3rd to 6th day As they feel comfortable they can start with 3 spoons every day (5gms before every meal).

Usage Directions:

• Profiber has to be put in a glass and pour little amount of water (minimum amount of water) and allow it to swell for 3-5mins stir well with the help of spoon and Gulp the content. You may add additional water in the glass to completely empty the supplement.
• The particles of fibre may get stuck in between the teeth, so avoid tasting or chewing the fibre. Place the supplement in a small glass, add a small quantity of water, and allow it to swell. You may add additional water in the glass to completely empty the supplement. Alternately when you are outside you may put coarse fibre near the base of tongue and swallow it with water.

How does profiber benefit diabetics?

It has a high content of soluble fibre (galactomannan with galactose and mannose in the ratio of 1:1.02). From the current understanding of functional foods, fibre plays an important role by its property of non digestibility and viscosity. It is demonstrated that viscosity plays an important role in digestion of starch and absorption of glucose from intestine to blood.
This particular type of soluble fibre becomes highly viscous when mixed with water and lines the walls of the stomach. It reduces the absorption of glucose from intestine to blood and ensures that there is no sudden peak or rush of glucose into the blood stream. This ensures that your normal insulin production is sufficient for glucose absorption into the cells. Since the amount of glucose in blood is fairly constant and spread over a long duration, the insulin produced by the body ensures constant absorption of glucose into the cells. Constant and reduced blood glucose is the aim of diabetes treatment.

How does profiber help reduce cholesterol?

The high fiber content in Profiber, actually blocks cholesterol absorption. The presence of soluble fiber, in particular, increases the viscosity of the digested food and inhibits the uptake of cholesterol and bile acids. Another strong reason behind Profiber's cholesterol lowering effect is the fact the fiber acts as a food for the beneficial gut bacteria (pre-biotic).
The volatile fatty acids released by these gut bacteria enter the bloodstream and suppress the cholesterol production by the liver. Cholesterol biosynthesis and de-gradation studies using soluble fiber showed that there is a significant formation of bile acids and neutral sterols. For subjects that consumed fenugreek these pigments were excreted in the faecal matter. The faecal quantity was also higher. Removal of bile & neutral sterols is the mechanism by which plasma cholesterol gets lowered. Thus exogenous cholesterol absorption is prevented and endogenous cholesterol is broken down much faster.

How does profiber keeps constipation away?

Profiber, which is made from natural Trigonella foenum-graecum, contains high levels of soluble fiber. Foods that contain large amounts of soluble fiber are known as bulk-forming laxatives. When soluble fiber absorbs water in the intestines, it expands, or increases in bulk. This expansion puts pressure on the intestines and triggers contractions that move stools through the intestines and promote bowel movements.

How profiber reduces fat absorption in the body?

Soluble fiber contained in Profiber, is one of the two types of fiber found in the plants we eat. Unlike its counterpart, insoluble fiber. soluble fiber dissolves in water, which means it creates a gel-like stool that slows digestion and affects the absorption of certain nutrients, including fat.